Important things to consider when choosing an environmental lab

Important things to consider when choosing an environmental lab

There are a lot of things to consider when choosing the right environmental testing labs. Whether you are an environmental health and safety officer, environmental consultant, civil engineer, or chemical engineer, you should choose a suitable environmental lab for your sample testing needs. Without a broad assessment of the specialties, capabilities, geographic coverage and industry affiliation, you may not choose the best lab for your requirements. Here are some important considerations when choosing the right lab.

Quality control

Laboratories are unique with a wide range of differences. The confidence you have in the accuracy of the testing results in the final report is important to the success of your project. An advanced laboratory should have procedures in place to evaluate the overall quality of the final results by tracking and measuring the results over time. The processes should include testing parameters that help to establish ranges for acceptable results. The parameters should be used to identify potential irregularities and outliers with individual tests.

State certification

State and federal agencies need analytical testing labs to be certified to do certain types of testing. These accreditations are on an individual test level. If you want to ensure your testing results are legitimate, it is important to verify the laboratory you are choosing has the necessary state and federal certifications in the state where you are conducting the tests.

Turnaround time

Understanding the period it takes for a lab to conduct testing and provide quality results can be an important factor in most projects. You should ensure that the environmental testing labs near you do not sacrifice accuracy in an attempt to improve overall turnaround time. Advanced labs reduce turn round by simplifying the sample submission process. Another approach is offering testing results digitally via mobile applications, email or a website.

State certifications

State and federal government agencies require analytical testing labs to be certified to do certain types of testing. The accreditations are often on the test level of an individual. To ensure that your testing results are legit, it is important to verify the laboratory you are choosing has the necessary state and federal certifications where the testing will be conducted.

Industry reputation

Just like any other business, it is very important to gauge the professional standing of a lab. Asking for referrals of previous or existing clients is a great way of gaining a firsthand understanding of what it is like to work with a lab and what you need to expect if you choose to work with that particular lab. Another way of assessing a laboratory is by evaluating the scope, size, and visibility of projects that a laboratory has been involved with. If a laboratory can include a modest number of high-profile projects in its portfolio, you can be assured that its services are reliable and trusted.

Customer support

Having clear access to a dedicated customer support team can make testing more efficient. When choosing environmental testing labs, it is important to consider the quality of customer care to ensure you get the best services.

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