AyurvedicDosha- According to The Love Co. Skin care

AyurvedicDosha- According to The Love Co. Skin care

The Ayurvedic approach for skin and health embraces all aspects of person’s life. From nutrition, emotional balance, exercise and sleeping patterns, Ayurveda take into account not only an individuals’ aspect, but also work on the environment he is residing in.Let’s try digging deeper into the Ayurvedicdosha’s and its concern to the skin care.

Ayurveda-knowledge of life

(The ancient & traditional science of health and medicine)

  • What is Ayurvedic dosha?

Whenever it comes to the skin care, the bouncy and the glowing skin of person depicts the reflection of the interior of the vellum. Also the quality of the skin is determined by a person’s dosha. The dosha are the energies that circulate the system of the body and govern the physiological activity.

  • What are the three types of dosha?

The three Ayurvedic dosha’s are kapha, pitta and vata. In order to maintain healthy and nourished skin, the dosha’s need to remain in balance.

There are few signs that will help you to determine your dosha based on your unusual skin type.

Vata dosha-thin, dry uneven toned, prone to fine lines and wrinkles, delicate.

As the skin care under vata dosha needs to be hydrated and deeply nourished regularly, the skin care products used by the vata dosha people should be very regenerative –cold pressed oils or the Ayurvedic herbals, which have tremendous potential to rehydrate and provide nourishment to the skin.

-Begin cleansing your skin with the love co. steam distilled Rosé mist spray with the essentials of Aloe Vera gel. This will deeply moisturize your skin and give a prismatic glow to your skin. If the skin is dry use the love co. Aloe Vera gel for an extra boost of adoration.

Skin care

Pitta dosha-prone to getting tanned, susceptible to rashes, sun burns, acne and sunspots.

The skin care underneath the pitta dosha needs the sun protection so that the mantle of the skin remains balanced. Cooling and medicinal herbs like aloe Vera gel rosé water and tea tree oil and even the kesar gel helpsin soothing and fostering of the skin.

-Use tea tree oil and lavender oil for gentle facial massage with the few drops of rosé water. This process will rejuvenate your skin from the depth.

Kapha dosha-oily, blackheads, enlarged pores, undergo eczema.

People with the Kapha dosha skin texture should undergo deep nourishment of the skin at least twice in a day. The detoxification is required for the skin with exfoliation. The detoxification process will stop the production of excess sebum and oil control.

Cleanse your skin with the aloe Vera gel and vitamin c essential oil. Massage your face with the amalgam (mixture) prepared for 2-3 minutes. Rinse well and dry the skin with a clean towel.

Check on the steam distilled Rosé water which acts a toner for the skin. Even the aloe Vera gel can be used overnight to see the results. The skin will be rejuvenated. You’ll love to pamper your skin.

#essential tip-always use the love co. Aloe Vera kesar gel before applying any moisturizer to balance the skin.

An important tip for all the skin types –never forget to use the love co. kesargel under the eyes. Take a small amount and lightly apply it under and around the area with your ring finger.


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