It is extremely important that your brand is present in social networks because it is very likely that your potential customers are in one of these media. In addition, with an increasingly competitive market, if you are not present where people are, keep in mind that your competition will not miss Social media monitoring that opportunity. Anyway, just having a profile on one or all of the social networks is not enough. There is no use creating multiple accounts if you don’t know how to monitor them and which ones are really effective for your business. Keep reading this article and learn everything that is most relevant about social media monitoring!
What is Social Media Monitoring?
Social media monitoring basically means understanding the specifications of each medium to evaluate the performance of your business on these networks. That is, monitoring needs to have some objective, such as identifying if your campaign attracts more followers, or if your content is pleasing those who follow your page, based on the interactions in your publications. It is important to say that this strategy does not apply only to product and service brands. Political marketing, for example, seeks to understand the trends of the electorate from the pages and posts that they like and/or share.
Why Is It Important To Monitor Social Media?
By monitoring your company’s social media, you can think of better strategies for each channel. With that, it is possible to think of more assertive actions that can really reach your target audience. In addition, it is possible, for example, to discover a topic that is on the rise and create content about it. Or you can even find influencers who like your brand and, who knows, you could make an alliance with them.
What To Monitor On Your Social Networks?
Each social network has a different requirement for its posts. That is why the monitoring in each of them is different. To help you understand the data you should follow, we selected the most used social networks currently and the main metrics for each of them:
The use of the data and information collected
Monitoring is collecting past data to see how your strategy or past actions performed. The monitoring data can be used to analyze and compare social media campaigns. Information from social listening is used to rethink branding or overall strategy.
Qualitative and quantitative data
The monitoring focuses on metrics, that is, on data such as the number of likes, interactions, etc. However, social listening focuses on collecting qualitative information that may be useful about the concept that users of your company have. We are going to use the Facebook social media platform to explain the whole process.
Facebook Platform
With the change in the Facebook algorithm, the number of likes is no longer the only information to which you should pay attention.
The Scope
This metric shows the number of users who saw your posts. It is possible to measure various categories of reach, from the organic reach of visits, which are the interactions made spontaneously, without any investment beyond the creation of content, to the reach of paid messages. Facebook offers a free tool to monitor the social network: Audience Insights. In it, you can see all the necessary information about the performance of your page.
People on Facebook
Audience Insights has a very useful tool called People on Facebook, which calculates how many people have interacted with your brand, in some way, in the last 28 days. For example, you can track the days and times when your posts receive the most likes, are shared and commented on. In this way, it is easier to know what type of content works best with you, and at what time you should make a post.
Click Rate
You get to know, through the click-through rate, how effective an advertisement or email marketing is, for example. This metric maintains your relevance on Facebook, by computing how many users clicked on your links, opened your images, or watched your videos. It’s great to know how many people were reached by your content, and how many of them were interested enough to engage with it. In this way, it is easier to know which messages are attracting the attention of users, which allows you to have more control over what you share.
The Engagement
When creating a Facebook page for your business, it is essential that you pay close attention to the engagement of your messages. Engagement or commitment is simply the interaction of the public with clicks, likes, and comments. The click is important because it shows that the user was interested in your content. Likes already mean that the public liked your content, but did not interact more.
Comment has a medium level of importance, as it means that the person felt a need to express an opinion on that matter. Sharing has greater weight because it shows that your content is so relevant that it is being propagated by those who visit your page. That is why engagement is, without a doubt, the most important metric for your business page. This will determine the scope of your activities among the general public. If engagement is low, consequently, your reach will be too, and fewer people will know your brand organically.
Rejection Rate
People who hid their feed from their posts reported a post as spam or viewed and disliked your page are some examples of data that should be monitored. You need to know when and with which posts it happened so that you can reflect on these actions and then plan them correctly.
Monitor your social networks and generate results
Just as there is a wide variety of social networks in which your business can be showcased, there are social media analytic companies like NetbaseQuid with numerous tools ready to help you extract the maximum possible results. For this reason, NetbaseQuid will help you to define which social networks your business should be on, and then choose the professional tool that will help you monitor the data from these media. In this way, you will be able to generate satisfactory results for your company. In addition to monitoring social networks, NetbaseQuid will also know how to manage them.